Norbu Ling e.V.

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Norbu Ling e.V.

Deutsche Bank Munich

IBAN EN90 7007 0024 0191 6600 00


Keyword: Corona Aid India

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COVId-19 patients in hospitals are lying side by side

For weeks now, the media have been reporting on the catastrophic situation in India during the second Corona wave. But these reports show mainly the situation in the cities. According to  local news, in rural areas the situation is considerably worse. Very touched by the pictures we asked in the monastery how we could help. We got  the answer  that the Tibetan camp residents as well as the locals in the surrounding villages are in close contact with the monasteries. More than oxygen and medicine the people need basic supply with food, drink etc., in order to survive.  Due to the ongoing and now intensified lockdown most of them have no income at all.

 We kindly ask you for a donation. We will forward the money  to the monastery, which will distribute it immediately.

Burning the deceased