Norbu Ling e.V.

Sponsoring of Monks & lay people 

Since the beginning of our activities, we have arranged sponsorships for monks and lay people. The monks receive a certain amount of money every month to support them; the larger part goes to the monastery, which is responsible for the maintenance of the building, the accommodation and food of the monks and for the infrastructure.
The lay people are mainly the sick and those who have fallen through the social net and for whom no one cares.
On the other hand, we also try to support students - preferably schoolgirls - who would like to attend secondary schools, colleges and who have the appropriate qualifications.

  • Monthly support for monks,  sick and elderly persons: about 40 €.
  • Food fund for 600 monks
    Cost per month for 3 meals daily: 10,800 € ( approx. 60 cents per person per day)
  • Support for students for college:
    Admission fees: circa 2,000 € (one-time)
    annual tuition fees: 300 € - 450 € per person
    Annual accommodation costs: 600 € per person

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